Sunday, January 27, 2008

Pictures Of My Books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am Back In Action!!

Sorry I haven't updated my blog in a while,but I was REALLY busy this week.I had Midterms at school for a week on a every subject and we just finished.Our math teacher is the best.She showed as our math test and I got a 73%.I was really shocked,but what can you do?Our ELA(English Language Arts) Teacher also gave as a book report.We have to write a report on a biography or and autobiography.Then In March we have to dress up as the person.Then we will go into the whole way and tell the class a little about ourself and they have to figure out who we are?Kooky,eh?My first choice was Oprah because I just simply ADORE her,but someone choose her first and the teacher wants one of each person so I had to chose another person.So I told my mom that I wanted to do Cleopatra,but she said the costume would be too hard to find because we had to do a similar project in the fourth grade and she had to make me a colonial apron with a red cross on it because I choose to do Clara Barton and she brought the Red Cross to America after she heard about it in Europe,but the teacher loved my Clara Barton costume and I was picked to peform for the principal because my teacher loved my costume.My fourth grade teacher was my favorite,ever!!!!!!So I eventually chose to do my report on Condoleeza Rice,but I ordered it from another library and it's still in transit.Speaking of the library I got two books from there.One is the follow up to my FAVORITE novel ever and it is called The Murder of Bindy Makenzie by Jaclyn Moriarty.The other is the book To Buy Or Not To Buy Organic by Cindy Burke.I will put a picture of booth of the pictures in my next entry.Ciao!!!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

MSG, Monosodium Glutamate MSG Side Effects, Effects of MSG, MSG Side Effects, MSG.

MSG, Monosodium Glutamate MSG Side Effects, Effects of MSG, MSG Side Effects, MSG.
This is an interesting article that I think everybody should take time to read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!So click the link!!!!!!!!!!

Organics:Good or Bad?AMAZING,Duh!!!

I was just thinking about organics today because my friend asked me whether it was better to eat organics and that made me think how wonderful they are.They are healthy.they don't have pesticides,herbicides,hormones,toxins,organophosphates,the list goes on and on.So is it necessary to buy organics no matter how much it costs.Well my answer is OF COURSE.If you you value your life you should.So the next time someone asks me this question my answer will be a definite YES!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


My favorite kind of lemonade is Newman's Own Organic Virgin Lemonade.This stuff rocks!!!!!!!!

Lemonade Acrostic Poem
My Favorite Drink Ever
Don't You Just Love It

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Year Of Secret Assignments Trivia Quiz">Play

The Year Of Secret Assignments!!!!!!!!!!

Has anybody read the book,The Year Of Secret Assignments by Jaclyn Moriarty?Well if you haven't you should get up right now and go get it.I THINK IT IS THE BEST BOOK EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Well if you're reading my blog right now and you're thinking Abby why is The Year Of Of Secret Assignments the best book ever.Well for starters it's a novel writing ENTIRELY in letters,journal entries,diary entries and emails.The book is about three best friends who have to take part in a pen pal between the private school they go to called Ashbury High and another school called Brookfield High.The friends names are Emily,Lydia and Cassie and they get Charlie,Sebastian,and Matthew as their pen pals. When they first start writing to each other they don't really enjoy it,but gradually they become REALLY good friends.But Cassie's pen pal "Matthew" does something to her that will make you want to jump right into the book and kill him.The story takes place in Australia and I want to visit some day!So ta-ta for now because I don't want to spoil the book for you if you consider getting it.I strongly recommend this to everyone who's reading this blog!!!!!!

I Made A Blog!

Hello people of the world, I Abby O. actually made a blog, I always wanted to make a website ,but I just eventually decided to make a blog so here I am on my blog thinking of ways to make my blog the best ever. Here are a few things you should know about me I'm a girl, who loves tennis and track and field. I live in Massachusetts with my mom, my dad and my baby brother. I was born in Ghana, Africa and I moved to the U.S when I was 6.Pretty Cool,Huh.I have lots of friends and I love food, but for some reason I'm not fat, I'm skinny and I'm really tall for my age and one more thing is that I'm obsessed with LEMONADE & CANDY.Well see you later people of the world!!!!!!!!!!!!