Saturday, March 15, 2008

My Science Poem!!!

I am so happy.My poem got picked for The Massachusetts Science Poetry Contest!As you can see that's pretty self-explanatory!So my classmates in my ELA class loved it and that's why I got into the contest.I want to thank them all for that and here's my poem:

Our Trees

There one was plenty

And now there's few

Thanks to factory workers

And of course you

You cut them all down to make your houses nice

And now you're complaining about all of the rotten mice

If you had just left the trees alone

You would have a pest-free zone

You could build your houses out of straw bales

And big metal rails

You could have built your house green

With great big machines

But instead you believe to kill the trees

Just watch and see,your life will not end happily..................................

Tell me what you think and you better not steal my poem because GOD is watching you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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